Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)


Jurnal Muara Olahraga: Learning Research Journal an open national scientific journal to look for innovation, creativity and novelty. JMO is a peer review journal published by the Department of Physical Education and Recreation at Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. The purpose of this journal is to facilitate scientific publications from the results of research in Indonesia and participate to improve the quality and quantity of research for academics and researchers. Jurnal Muara Olahraga is published twice a year, in July and December by publishing the results of critical research and analytical studies in the fields of Physical Education, Sports Training, Sports Tourism, and Traditional Sports

Published: 2024-07-14


Sasmita; Subhanadri

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-19   123-134

Edi Sugianto; Deka Ismi Mori Saputra

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-16   92-101

Nurjanah; Puput Wahyu Hidayat

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-16   102-112

Ali Sastra; Ikhsan Maulana Putra

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-16   81-91

Muhammad Hamdan

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-17  

Sumarlim Astra; Deka Ismi Mori Saputra

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-15   59-70

Sukmawati; Subhanadri

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-15   71-80

Muhammad Afdhol; Raja Bani Pilitan

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-14   1-15

Metral Hadi; Deka Ismi Mori Saputra

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-14   16-26

Jacki Septia Juhendra; Reni Guswita

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-14   27-36

Kiki Iswanto; Ikhsan Maulana Putra

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-14   37-47

Aminah, Reni Guswita

DOWNLOAD   2024-07-15   48-58