Enjoni Enjoni ( Universitas Bung Hatta )
Wirnita Wirnita ( Universitas Bung Hatta )


Educators play a very important role for the progress of the institution and the
formation of the character of students. However, it is no secret that many educators,
namely lecturers neglect the main task of teaching, exemplary lecturers and the
application of moral values during Educational Psychology lectures shape the character of
students' obedience and honesty. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact
of lecturer's example and the application of moral values in Educational Psychology
lectures on the formation of students' obedience and honesty characters.
This study provides and analyzes related to the positive self-concept of an
educator in applying moral values in learning psychology. Based on the descriptive
analysis of this paper, it is hoped that this paper can provide input / insight to education
personnel, so that they understand positive self-concept
The results showed that the positive concept of an educator in the form of always
giving an example of arriving on time in teaching Educational Psychology courses can
improve the character of obedience and the formation of student character, namely
arriving on time or not late in attending lectures and having good character. Likewise,
lecturers who insert moral values while teaching Educational Psychology courses can
have an impact on the formation of students' honesty character, namely honest behavior
or not cheating on exams.
Keywords: Lecturer, Positive self-concept, Student character


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Keywords  :  
Keywords: dosen, konsep diri positif, karakter mahasiswa Lecturer, Positive self-concept, Student character
Galleys  :  
Published  :  
How to Cite  :  
Enjoni, E., & Wirnita, W. (2022). KONSEP DIRI POSITIF PENDIDIK DALAM MENGIINTEGRASIKAN NILAI-NILAI MORAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PSIKOLOGI. Jurnal Muara Olahraga, 4(1), 33–41. https://doi.org/10.52060/jmo.v4i1.704
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