Rurisman Rurisman ( Universitas Negeri Padang )
Ambiyar Ambiyar ( Universitas Negeri Padang )
Ishak Aziz ( Universitas Negeri Padang )


Evaluation of learning is important to determine the success, growth, and progress of students after completing the learning process within a certain period of time. Curriculum evaluation is also as important as learning evaluation, namely the driving school curriculum. This study aims to describe how the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation paradigm is used to evaluate the driving school curriculum. Case study research is the format used for qualitative research. School supervisors, curriculum representatives, and principals acted as research participants. The selection of study participants was carried out by purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics are used in data analysis and data collection using observation sheets. Research findings using context, input, process, and product (CIPP) indicate that the application of the driving school curriculum is in accordance with learning objectives to improve quality learning outcomes, competency quality of school principals, teacher quality, acceleration of school digitalization, and Pancasila student profiles.


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Keywords  :  
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Program, Sekolah Penggerak, CIPP Program Evaluation, Sekolah Penggerak, CIPP Model
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Diterbitkan  :  
Cara Mengutip  :  
Rurisman, R., Ambiyar, A., & Aziz, I. (2023). EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN SEKOLAH PENGGERAK DI SMA DENGAN MODEL EVALUASI CIPP. Jurnal Muara Pendidikan, 8(1), 124–130. https://doi.org/10.52060/mp.v8i1.1064
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