Profile of Physical Condition of Maimo Fc Futsal Athletes in Sorong City

Saiful Anwar ( a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:42:"Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong";} )
Alyandi Amber ( Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong )
Anton Sukowati ( Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong )


This study is intended to determine the physical condition of Maimo FC futsal athletes in Sorong City. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 20 Maimo FC futsal players in Sorong City. In this study, samples were taken using a total sampling technique. The series of data collection was carried out using 4 instruments for each physical condition, namely: 1). Leg Muscle Strength Test (Standing Broad Jump) 2). Speed ​​test (20 yard sprint) 3). Agility test (Shutle run) 4. Aerobic endurance test (Bleep Test). Based on the results of the physical condition test for the Maimo FC Team in Sorong City, it shows that the average results of the leg muscle strength test were 77.23 "sufficient", speed 4.02 "sufficient", agility 12.91 "sufficient", endurance 46, 59 “enough”. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the physical abilities which include leg muscle explosive power, speed, agility and aerobic endurance of Maimo FC Sorong City players show "sufficient" results as indicated by obtaining a percentage of 77% based on applicable norms.


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Keywords  :  
Keywords: Kondisi fisik; Futsal; Atlet. Physical condition; Futsal; Athlete.
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How to Cite  :  
Anwar, S., Amber, A., & Sukowati, A. (2025). Profile of Physical Condition of Maimo Fc Futsal Athletes in Sorong City. JURNAL MUARA OLAHRAGA, 7(1), 212–223. Retrieved from
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