Abdullah Abdul ( STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo )
Alchonity Harika Fitri ( Universitas Negeri Padang )
Ayu Mustika Sari ( STITNU Sakinah Dharmasraya )
Nurhizrah Gistituati ( STITNU Sakinah Dharmasraya )
Rusdinal Rusdinal ( Universitas Negeri Padang )


The purpose of this research is to understand the various stages of public policy making so as to make it easier to analyze complex problems so that they can be formulated into a policy for a public leader. Public policy studies seek to review shared theories and processes that occur in public policy. It can be said that public policy cannot be separated from the process of policy formation itself, thus, one of the objectives of the study of public policy is to analyze how the stages of the process of forming public policy are so that a certain policy is realized. These stages are summarized as a process of public policy making cycle. Each stage in the process of forming public policy contains various steps and methods in more detail. The stages involved in making a public policy have various benefits and consequences from the existence of the process, especially for actors making public policies


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Keywords  :  
Keywords: Public Policy, Policy Foundation
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How to Cite  :  
Abdul, A., Fitri, A. H., Sari, A. M., Gistituati, N., & Rusdinal, R. (2022). STAGES OF MAKING PUBLIC POLICY AS THE BASIS OF POLICY MAKERS. Jurnal Muara Pendidikan, 7(1), 148–155.
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