Journal of Community Service for Health Technology & Science (JPMTKS) is a journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Muhammadiyah University of Muara Bungo. This journal is published twice a year, namely in April and November. The mission of the Journal of Community Service for Health Technology & Science (JPMTKS) is to disseminate, develop and facilitate the results of community service regarding science in the fields of technology and informatics, business, management, health and science as a medium for lecturers, researchers, students and practitioners from all over Indonesia in exchanging information about the results of the latest research that has been carried out. With a multidisciplinary approach, JPMTKS is expected to become a superior reference for the scientific community and the wider community, as well as contributing to the advancement of technology, health and science at the local, national and international levels.