Angga Hidayat ( Universitas Pamulang )
Anita Anggraini ( Universitas Pamulang )
Yuliana Friska ( Universitas Pamulang )
Ani Kusumaningsih ( Universitas Pamulang )
Moh. Thoyib Syafi’i ( Universitas Pamulang )


The part that needs to be improved from a student living in Al-Kamilah Foundation from an academic perspective is the ability to count and speak English. The service team teaches regularly at the Al-Kamilah Foundation once a week, to be precise on Wednesdays, to improve the numeracy skills and English of the foster children at the Foundation. Continuous training is needed to have a profound effect on increasing this ability. Teaching is carried out by lecturers from Pamulang University who have an educational background both from a scientific background in mathematics and English. The training has provided significant improvement results because this program has actually been going on for 3 semesters which are carried out continuously every week, unless it is closed during holidays and class holidays


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Keywords  :  
Keywords: mathematics, english, learning assistance, community service matematika, bahasa inggris, pendampingan belajar, pengabdian masyarakat
Galleys  :  
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How to Cite  :  
Hidayat, A., Anggraini, A., Friska, Y., Kusumaningsih, A., & Syafi’i, M. T. (2021). PENDAMPINGAN BELAJAR MATEMATIKA DAN BAHASA INGGRIS GRATIS UNTUK ANAK ASUH YAYASAN AL-KAMILAH. Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan Masyarakat (JPPM), 2, 19–24.
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