Syita Fatih 'Adna ( Universitas Tidar )
Aprilia Nurul Chasanah ( Universitas Tidar Magelang )
Noor Sahid Kusuma Hadi Manggolo ( Universitas Tidar )
Dimas Dwi Putra Alamsyah ( Universitas Tidar )
Diva Maulida ( Universitas Tidar )
Vina Ariska ( Universitas Tidar )
Yemmi Pitaloka Bronte Anwar ( Universitas Tidar )


Mathematical and English literacy are skills that students must master in the current era of globalization. Mathematical literacy focuses on numeracy literacy, while English literacy focuses on reading and writing literacy. Based on data, Mathematics literacy and English literacy of SMPIT Ihsanul Fikri students in Magelang City are still relatively low. There are still many teachers who have not found suitable learning methods to apply to improve their students' mathematics and English literacy. The effective application of the Kumon method in learning is still unknown to SMPIT teacher Ihsanul Fikri. Apart from that, mastery of Mathematics literacy and English literacy is also not yet aligned with literacy programs in schools. Thus, Community Partnership Empowerment (PKM) activities were held in the form of training and assistance in creating the EMAK (English and Mathematics Acquisition through Kumon Method) application. The EMAK application uses the Moodle platform so it can be controlled with an admin account, teacher account and student account. PKM activities are carried out through stages of preparation, training, mentoring and evaluation. The training activity involved all Mathematics teachers and English teachers at SMPIT Ihsanul Fikri Magelang City. The posttest results showed an increase in the understanding of the training participants, namely with an average of 82 from the previous 75. Teachers' skills in making quizzes using the EMAK application also increased. Next, FGD activities were carried out to see the successes and obstacles of PKM activities.


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Keywords  :  
Keywords: English, Literacy, Mathematics, Kumon method, Moodle Bahasa Inggris, Literasi, Matematika, metode Kumon, Moodle
Galleys  :  
Published  :  
How to Cite  :  
'Adna, S. F., Chasanah, A. N., Hadi Manggolo, N. S. K., Putra Alamsyah, D. D., Maulida, D., Ariska, V., & Bronte Anwar, Y. P. (2023). PKM APLIKASI EMAK (ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICS ACQUISITION THROUGH KUMON METHOD) SEBAGAI PROGRAM LITERASI SEKOLAH. Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan Masyarakat (JPPM), 4(2), 398–404.
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