Tri Budy Lestari ( Universitas Negeri Jakarta )
Esmar Budi ( Universitas Negeri Jakarta )
Upik Rahma Fitri ( Universitas Negeri Jakarta )


Universities are currently experiencing a paradigm shift in the acceptance of technology. Technology is seen as a complex and interconnected ecosystem, which facilitates the development of digital learning. This research aims to design and develop a 360° video microlearning on the phenomenon of black body radiation in modern physics courses as an efficient learning media. The research method used is Research & Development with reference to the ASSURE model modified into 4 stages. In this study, the sample used included 60 respondents from one class of physics education students and one class of physics students at UNJ. This study shows that the 360° video microlearning designed and developed can be an effective medium in helping students understand the phenomenon of blackbody radiation. The use of 360° video microlearning can have a significant impact in helping students to more easily understand the concept of black body radiation. With a visual and interactive approach, complex concepts can be simplified, thus facilitating the learning process. The final result of this research is a 360° video design that will be published on YouTube for easy access for users. After that, data collection was carried out using a validation questionnaire sheet to determine the feasibility of learning videos. Based on the validation results, the percentage of media feasibility was 96.42% and the percentage of material feasibility was 93.75%.


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Keywords  :  
Keywords: Microlearning, ASSURE Model, 360° Video, Blackbody Radiation
Galleys  :  
Published  :  
How to Cite  :  
Lestari, T. B., Budi, E., & Fitri, U. R. (2024). PENGEMBANGAN MIKROLEARNING VIDEO 360° PADA FENOMENA RADIASI BENDA HITAM. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dan Teknologi Informasi (JIPTI), 5(2), 362–374.
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